It’s no longer a news that erectile dysfunction (weak erection & quick ejaculation) has become a very serious problem for Ghanian men ageing from 40 upwards

And sadly majority of these men have now considered it as part of their life thereby living with the pains, agony, depression, heartbreaks and embarrassment that this humiliating problem(weak erection/quick ejaculation) brought to them just because they couldn’t find an effective solution to this problem after wasting so much money on sex enhancement products

Honestly from my own personal 6 years experience of poor sexual performance I can tell that it is indeed a very painful and heart breaking situation but I want you to understand that it is not your fault that you are having this problem

From majority of the weak erection & quick ejaculation cases we’ve seen so far, it is caused as a result of the nature’s toll on us and low testosterone hormone level which everyone including the professional medical personnels underestimated and are still underestimating till now

Dear Friend,

If you’d love to make love without the embarrassing spectacle of shooting off your nuts in 1 minutes……if you’d like to make love to your woman, so she goes from “Harder! Harder!! Harder!!!” to “Please stop, it’s okay, please”…

if you’d love to have her brag to her friends about how your own d×ck is the best piece of man-meat she has ever tasted in bed…and if you love to do all that, even if you’re 60 years old, without your heart giving up, and ready to go as many times as you wish…Then continue reading……

what you’re about to discover will absolutely blow your mind and as well give a permanent healing & solution to your poor bedroom performance problems. Here’s what it’s all about. A brand new discovery which has recently become available outside of the secret labs of a top University in the United States has revealed a 2000 year old secret herb used by ancient Chinese Ming Emperors…

to have as much sex as they royally desired. This secret until now was the exclusive preserve of the rich and famous, who either had the connection or the money to pay for it. The only reason it’s even out in the open today and I can talk to you about it is due to…a lucky break. Here’s what happened

First! Let’s educate You and debunk some Myths about Erectile Dysfunction (weak erection & quick ejaculation)I promise not to take much of your time here but To Be Very Honest, what you are about to discover now is not for everybody

It’s For You

1. If you are tired of giving watery & shameful excuses to your woman when it’s time to do your bedroom duties

2. If you are 40 upwards and always find it hard to get your dick up or when you get it up you won’t last more than a minute before you release

3. If you have bought and used sex enhancement products before and didn’t get good results

4. If you are tired of spending/ wasting money on sex enhancement products

Just like me I know you have attempted to use different forms of sex enhancement medications and was left disappointed…

Well, I’m sorry to say this…They were all meant to fail…In fact… I’d be more surprised If they worked actually…And I’ll tell you why in a bit.

◆ If you have tried all you can to put a stop to this weak erection, premature ejaculation and low sex drive palava yet without any significant change

◆ If you’re at that point where you don’t know what else to do

◆ If you just wish, there’s something that actually works and not all the hypes you keep getting everyday but over deliver 

Congratulations!!!Congratulations, because here lies the final answer & solution to your bedroom problems…Let’s get back to why those were meant to fail…Those medications you used essentially because you want to boost your sex hormones,That…Didn’t work or
Started working but stopped
 along the way

The reason for that is because the sex enhancement products lacked the appropriate vital ingredients responsible for getting & sustaining you hard erections and high sex drive …What do you expect?

Even when doctors prescribe a drug as simple as paracetamol… A dose is effective for a kid, but for an adult, two doses… Why?

You need the combination in their right proportion for it to work…That should give you a pictorial view of what’s happening…You getting me?…So the problem has always been in the formulation quantity from the onset while the preparation is on…

Too many people coming out with incomplete vital ingredients. And that’s why you notice, it barely gives you erection, but never sustains the erection…And if you continue using this, sooner or later you’ll get to the point of permanent sexual dysfunction with different organs failures, like the kidney, liver , lungs & heart etc which will result to lost of sight, high blood pressure, chronic depression, impotence etc…

And in order to completely avoid that and get you into full action again, is the reason why you need this solution…

Warning: Please, if you know you aren't ready for sex don't use this because 30mins after you finish taking just one sachet it will literally get your dick hard and massively in the mood to ride and go rounds upon rounds

So, if you honestly desire…

★ Rock hard erections that quickly stand to attention…

★ The ability to make love anytime, without the fear of getting your machine up or staying strong..

Then…Forget, all of the hypes out there…The secret answer is in this newly discovered Chinese ancient herb that I’m about to show you

Even today, many rich Chinese, Indian, Japanese, American and few Nigerian men who are aware of this secret herbal mixture are using it to stay sexually active and solve all their sexual issues…

The first time a 68 year old Ghanian alhaji used this ancient herb and “knacked” his newly wedded 23 year old wife…the lady confessed that she was shocked that he could ever get her so horny and excited like that. she confessed, they kept going on for 5 rounds. And In her words, she said… “I have found what I need in him already… we die here”Not only her…

Martins a 54 yrs old top business man in Accra also testified, how he was able to regain & sustain his erection after using this same ancient herb

Recent Studies from top American research lab have shown that 90% of men ageing from 40 upwards are suffering from weak erection & weak ejaculation And the worst part is that 87% of them ends up not getting proper treatment for it below is a recent post from Vanguard website that talks about how serious this is:

And Let me tell you a secret…well I hope this isn’t true…But if you’re experiencing these, there’s a 80% chance that your wife is currently cheating on you, or maybe planning to…Below is a screenshot of a confession made by a married woman on Quora news

And According to her, she cheated on her husband because of his inability to perform very well in bedDon’t just think, she isn’t the sex type…From experience, ladies tend to love sex more…They are never at ease until they are satisfied, and if they don’t get it, they go elsewhere…

This isn’t just theory…I’m also speaking from experienceCome to think of it…..

When was __the last time you fucked your woman to the extent that she had to beg you to stop that she’s tired?__When was the last time you had sweet sex with your woman for straight 45mins without struggling with quick ejaculation?when was the last time your woman experienced deep orgasm? 

That she had to cook a hot delicious meal for you to appreciate you for knacking her well?

…..well I guess the answers to these questions are best know to you

My Name is Ken I’m a 47 yrs old food & herb nutritionalist & a big business owner in and for 6 years, I struggled with premature ejaculation & weak erection, I could barely get my dick to stand, and if it finally did, within 60 seconds or so, it was all flat.

Satisfying my wife was hard, at some point she gave up on sex and was using sex toys to satisfy herself..Everyday that passed was like a tug of war, we became distant and just mere neighbors in the same roof barely letting time pass.

But during this period, I was all out searching and looking for answers…In the process, I used different and every possible medications I could lay my hands on…At some point, my wife was understanding, helping with the trials and errors that left me more frustrated than ever before. Nothing seem to be working after spending more than half a million on sex Booster products, few of the sex Booster products I bought were just getting me hard, but not completing the equation…

This kept on going for months, until I took the boldness to speak to my old Chinese business executive Mr Cheng who is a Urologist

After I opened up to him, telling him the challenges I’ve been going through because of weak erection, he recommended Cordyceps Erection Booster Coffee to me which he said was formulated from an ancient Chinese herb called GinkoAt first, I was very skeptical because I have used some erection Coffees in the past that didn’t work to my expectations,but when he told me, that was what he also used when he was struggling with weak erection and also that it is what top Chinese, German, American & Indian business men & politicians are usingI took up on his recommendation.

He helped me ship down to Nigeria from China because the product was not in Nigeria as of then(2021)After using it the first night Boom…The sight of my wife alone was what turned me on, I immediately made advances, but she was trying to push me away, but as soon as she saw the erection, she loosed up…And for the next 45 mins, we kept on going for rounds…(That was how I regain my erection till today)INCREDIBLE, she had to ask me to tell her what really happened…

In her words… “In the past 6 years , today is when I feel fulfilled again marrying you”…I’ve never been this happy with you. All because of this powerful & effective Cordyceps erection booster…


If you’re having trouble getting an erection when you need to get to work,…or your penis turns soft right away…and you can’t go for more than one round…And you’re sick of making watery, pathetic excuses for your wife every time you let her down,

What you need is 👇


Ginko Cordyceps erection booster Coffee is naturally formulated with an ancient Chinese leaves(herb) called Ginko and to enhance the efficacy of this product the American & Chinese scientists who discovered this product also added

1.Ginseng root, 2.YOHIMBE HERB, 3.tribulus leaves, 4.foti leaves and 5.horny goat weed to this Ginko Cordyceps erection booster Coffee making it a perfect solution to weak erection, quick ejaculation and the health complications that comes with it

  • Helps you to treat premature ejaculation permanently

  • Helps you to Stops weak erections permanently

  • Helps you to boost your immune system & testosterone level

  • strengthens the male organ thereby promoting a healthy circulation of blood from the veins to the penis & testes resulting to long sex duration

  • Helps you to increase your libido, sexual stimulation and arousal

  • Helps to Promote good prostate health

  • Improve energy, stamina, vitality and endurance

  • Helps you to normalise blood sugar (diabetes)

  • Helps with high blood pressure

1. GINSENG ROOTThis powerful herb increase sexual urge in men with low libido; It is used in treating weak erection and It increases physical energy thereby enabling men perform well in bed. China ginseng root is also used to balance abnormal hormone levels, reduce stress, Improve the functions of the immune systems and Boost male fertility in general.


1. TONGAT ALI ROOTThis powerful herbs is an herbal supplement that comes from the roots of the green shrub tree Eurycoma longifolia, which is native to Southeast Asia.
It’s used in traditional medicine in China to treat male infertility, and erectile dysfunction.

2.YOHIMBE HERBThe bark of the tree Yohimbe is used to treat poor circulation of blood; when taken in, It increases the flow of blood to the reproductive organs and increases libbido also. It is used to treat weak erection,It helps men have strong erection and it also helps them to maintain it

3. TRIBULUSThis herb helps the body to produce sex hormones; It specifically boost the production of testosterone and routinizing hormone in men. Tribulus is used in the treatment of Erectile dysfunction, high blood sugar and Hormonal imbalance

This is a popular Indian herb that is used in treating: Low sex drive,Low, Difficulty getting and maintaining an erection

5. HORNY GOAT WEEDThis is a powerful natural aphrodisiac that is used to increase sexual libbido and pleasure;its active ingredient lcariin helps to increase the flow of blood to the extreme parts of the body including the penis, testes and this helps in getting a strong erection and maintaining it.

What Makes Ginko Cordyceps erection booster Coffee unique?It was specially formulated with the appropriate ingredient that many of the other man power medications lack, and this above ingredients is responsible for the strong achievement & sustainability of erections.Many who used this, have a lot to say

Take a look at what people are saying about it...

This is what the engr Donald has to say about this product



I’ve had weak erections for a long time.I had always thought it was because of my age, and that it couldn’t be helped. But then I found out about Ginko Cordyceps erection Coffee from a newspaper my son brought home from work.It was like a dream come true—all the issues that I was having with my erection were solved! And all in one simple sip!I didn’t think anything would work for me, but this really did. It’s amazing!


I have had this problem for years. My wife and I have been having problems in the bedroom for a long time now. We tried all kinds of solutions to fix this problem, but nothing worked.One day, I was watching TV and saw a commercial about Ginko Cordyceps erection Coffee. It said that they can help men with their erectile dysfunction and get rid of weak erection and quick ejaculation in just a few weeks! So I decided to order it right away!When my package arrived at my house, I was really excited because it came with a free trial offer in case you don’t like the product! And guess what? After using it for just three weeks, my erection has gotten stronger than ever before! Now my wife is happy again and we are back to our old selves again!


To be honest, I was quite skeptical about this product at first. I had tried many different pills, creams and even foods. But the results were not what I wanted. Until my friend told me about the amazing results that he had with this product. After trying it for one week, I noticed that his words were true!!! This Ginko Cordyceps erection Coffee is the real deal!


I’ve been suffering from this condition for years, and I have tried almost everything in my power to get rid of it. But then I found this solution that changed my life forever.I started taking this Ginko Cordyceps erection booster Coffee every day, and it has greatly increased my stamina and libido. I feel like a young man again. It worked for me, and it can work for you too.


Ginko Cordyceps erection Coffee not only saved my life, but it made my life better than I could ever imagine.I am happy to say that my erections are now harder and longer than ever. I’m not going to tell you what my wife said, but she was very happy. I would definitely recommended Norland Cordyceps erection Coffee to any man who is looking for a way to overcome poor bedroom performance.

This Ginko Cordyceps erection booster Coffee will help you move from your sexual life from the regular on and off your penis does 👇

To this 👇 (horseman)

Rock hard erection

Unlimited enjoyment




Kindly understand that we are so sure this will work for you…Thats why we are offering you a complete money-back guarantee if after using this product and you don’t see any results.I know you must have taken so many products before and non worked the way you expected it to work. 

But I will have to start saying Congratulations to you, Worry no more God has answered your prayers, you can now last long like a horse.

It doesn’t matter how long you have been having your weak erection, Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. This __100% Erection Booster will help you stop the weak erections and quick ejaculations permanently __

Now the reason why you are seeing this product today is because the NGO organisation in the United States are on a mission to help atleast 80% of men suffering from weak erection & quick ejaculation get rid of it permanently

They know how expensive this product is that’s why they gave the Chinese scientists that discovered it $2million dollars last MonthFor them to make the price of this powerful product affordable to every man

But the little problem now is that the rich & wealthy men who already knows how effective and powerful this product is are currently taking advantage of thisOne of them that bought last 2 weeks ordered for 200 packs yesterday when he heard about this huge discount

Some have been ordering 20 packs to 50 packs since we made the announcementAnd we will be running out of stock very soon 5000 packs were shipped to Nigeria last 2 weeks by the Chinese scientists Currently we’ve sold over 4973 packs
The remaining 27 packs will definitely finish
As we are currently getting so many orders 

So, How much does this Erection Booster Treatment Cost?

THE QUESTION SHOULD RATHER BE HOW MUCH CAN YOU PAY TO SEE THAT THIS EMBARRASSING UNDYING PROBLEM THAT YOU HAVE ACCOMMODATED FOR YEARS NOW COMES TO A PERMANENT END?Because I believe that you wouldn’t want to continue to live with the anxiety, worries, pains, loss of confidence and embarrassment that this problem has caused you

I know that you must have wasted so much money buying products online and currently you are somehow skeptical of buying this product. But I’m here to assure you that this product will be the last you’d ever buy concerning bedroom problems. 100% guaranteed.


IF YOU HURRY AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW, YOU WILL RECEIVE A HUGE DISCOUNT.THAT MEANS, IF YOU ORDER RIGHT NOW, You will get THIS Ginko Cordyceps erection booster Coffee FOR A LOW PRICE OF just  450GHS You will not see it at this price again after today

Note: This product has a 100% Money-Back Guarantee, meaning that if you use this product and it doesn’t work for you Contact My sales rep &  he will refund every single dime you spent on the product. My lawyers are on standby to ensure that the necessary actions are taken

Your Investment Today Is Completely Risk-Free

PS: Your privacy is very safe with us

Apart from you and me, no one else knows or will know what will be sent to you.It’ll be sealed and addressed personally to you.
So you don’t have to fear that anyone will know what you are buying.
I guarantee you that.


PLEASE DO NOT ORDER for this product if you are not ready to buy or don’t have the funds at hand to receive it right away when my delivery agents brings it to you.
Also PLEASE DO NOT PLACE AN ORDER if you are not going to be available to receive this product within the next 48hrs

We Spend A Lot Of Money & Time Shipping These Items To Different Locations In Ghana And We Don’t Want A Situation Where Your Order Arrives At Your Location & You Are Not Available For Pickup. Because Such Situations Have Caused Us Millions Of Losses Lately. May God continue to bless & provide for you abundantly as you comply to the above warnings, thanks for your understanding


Discount price: 450 GHS

1 PACK FOR – 450 ghs
3 PACKS FOR – 1200 ghs (HIGHLY recommended)

Hurry up and place your order now we have limited stock available and due to the high demand of this powerful product we will run out of stock soon!

Say Goodbye To Weak erection & Quick Ejaculation

This Ginko Cordyceps erection booster Coffee is guaranteed to work for you.

If you use it and you do not see any results, We will refund 100% of your money to you, YES! YOU WILL GET YOUR REFUND. THIS IS BECAUSE WE ARE VERY CONFIDENT ABOUT OUR PRODUCT. You will get your money back no questions asked…


👇 What Are The Possible Side Effects?

It is 100% natural and is made from natural herbal Ingredients scientifically proven to cure erectile dysfunction. It’s safe to take and has no single side effects

👇 Has it Been Verified And Approved By other professional Healthcare Bodies?

Yes! It has been screened and verified by FDA and other international health bodies

👇 How Effective is this product?

This product is one of the best solution we’ve seen so far for weak erection and quick ejaculation issues.
It has worked so well for all our customers whom have used it so far.
It’s very effective and powerful.

👇 Can it give a permanent healing & solution to my weak erection and quick ejaculation problems?

Yes! The product is specially formulated with 5 different erection curative ingredients.
It’s a permanent solution for your weak erection and quick ejaculation issues

👇 How Long Am I To Use It Before I Begin To See Tangible Results?

One Amazing thing about this product is that it offers instant results which means you will start seeing the effects and results once you start taking it and by the time you are done with the treatment you won’t necessarily need to take anything again to enhance yourself


  • We offer 100% 160 Days Money Back Guaranteed!

  • We Offer Express and FREE Delivery To Your door step Nation Wide

  • Delivery is 1-2 working days

  • Before you place your order below, make sure that the money is available and you won’t be traveling out of town within the next 24hrs.